Here's a picture of the squid I'll be working with. I kind of cheated to get this picture though. We went on a trip to the aquarium today. It's actually a damned nice aquarium for such a small island. There's also a little zoo attached to it that's nice as well. We visited the capital city of Hamilton afterwards. That was alright. Everything is pretty upscale and expensive but it was still fun.

Here's the front of the building I'm staying in. Pretty swanky for a research station and it's supposed to be hurricane proof. That'll come in handy. Florence is supposed to hit here on Monday. I guess it's only catagory one right now so it should be no problem. Even if it gets stronger, I've been assured that everything on the island has been built to withstand hurricanes.
There are more photos posted on the flickr site. The link is over there on the right side of the page.
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